.2017-07-30: 大圆满密续中说,金刚舞是诸佛之行为,修习金刚舞,可封锁堕落恶道之可能性。金刚舞(地球)坛城外层面相应地球,内层面相应人身气脉,密层面相应法报化三身。因此金刚舞对协调和净化能量、气脉、烦恼、业力有甚深之作用。金刚舞融摄金刚舞步(身)、密咒音声(语),让行者处于放松和觉知(意)之中,获得或增益不二禅观的展开。大圆满窍诀中说:那些唱金刚歌,并伴随以金刚舞的人,会成就金刚证悟;一切都处于完全的融摄之中。若舞者是有修持的行者,將能讓智慧尊的加持直接賜與大眾,讓觀者的身口意有所改變。因乘果乘都提到,眾生都有佛性、如來藏,但因為煩惱染污而覆蓋。因此,行者藉由果上金剛舞本尊身口意的各種動作展現,將能讓自心佛性的種子得以開展、彰顯。總之,《二品續》中提到:「金剛舞能夠守護行者,淨除外內的一切障礙,守護眷屬他人外內的一切障礙,調伏攝受世間,並能容易成就密咒的成就。
五明寺八月金刚舞定于8月19日周六举行。8月20周日藏历二十九护法曰举行大火供。消害除障 增加福寿。欢迎大家来共修。
时间: 10am.
地址: Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4E3M9
2017-07-23 Vajra Dance 藏历三十。释迦佛吉祥日五明寺举行 金刚舞
2017-06-21 曼陀罗意为一切真实居住的地方,代表了没有分别念的地方,代表了远离一切二元,远离一切痛苦和烦恼的地方,由分裂的边缘,回归内在的完整,当生命的真实引领者出现在我们的生命中,所有一切的对抗,二元,所有的这些分裂将会恢复于完整,由分裂的碎片,回复为完整的曼陀罗。我们的生命也会由碎片趋于完整,由失序归于完美的秩序。这完美的秩序即是我们心中的庄严,它的开启者即是你的老师,你的上师。
2017-05-26 佛教包括了对于未来宇宙宗教所期待的特征:它超越人格化的神,避免教条和神学,涵盖自然和精神两方面,它更是基于对所有自然界和精神界事物作为一个有意义整体的体验而引发的宗教意识。佛教正符合了这个描述。如果有任何能够应付现代科学需求的宗教,那必定是佛教。
Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.
Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.
2017-04-24 明天周二(4月25日)藏历二十九财神护法日 荟供
Tomorrow Tuesday (Apr 25) is the auspicious date for protector-Mahakala;
周日至下周三共4天(4月30日-5月3日)释迦牟尼佛诞浴佛节.法会期间每天早上11:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m., 荟供,祈福,点灯及浴佛。欢迎大家来共修。
There will be a five-day Buddhist Praying Ceremony for the Birth of Sakyamuni (Buddha’s birthday), details as follows;
Apr 29(Saturday), Praying Ceremony for Manjushri Bodhisattva of wisdom
Apr 30-May 3 (Sunday-Wednesday), Buddhist Praying Ceremony for the birth of Sakyamuni.
Each day will start from 11:00 a.m., to 8:00 p.m., and welcome you to attend the offering, chanting sutras, praying, lighting lamps and bathing Buddha in aromatic water with many flowers.
Tomorrow Tuesday (Apr 25) is the auspicious date for protector-Mahakala;
周日至下周三共4天(4月30日-5月3日)释迦牟尼佛诞浴佛节.法会期间每天早上11:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m., 荟供,祈福,点灯及浴佛。欢迎大家来共修。
There will be a five-day Buddhist Praying Ceremony for the Birth of Sakyamuni (Buddha’s birthday), details as follows;
Apr 29(Saturday), Praying Ceremony for Manjushri Bodhisattva of wisdom
Apr 30-May 3 (Sunday-Wednesday), Buddhist Praying Ceremony for the birth of Sakyamuni.
Each day will start from 11:00 a.m., to 8:00 p.m., and welcome you to attend the offering, chanting sutras, praying, lighting lamps and bathing Buddha in aromatic water with many flowers.
2017-03-23 为了准备下周末开始的五天清明超度增福法会,我将从下周一3月27日,开始三天闭关,持咒游走,祈请本尊,
2017-02-18 为庆祝藏历新年 ,从本周六开始至下周曰,五明寺将开始九天的普巴金刚除障祈福法会。周六从10am-4pm,讲经照旧,周曰早9am -11am, 下周一至周五,早11am-1pm , 晚上7pm-9pm, 周末同上。欢迎大家来共修祈福,也可写家人朋友名字祈福.
To celebrate Losar of Tibetan new year, Canada five wisdoms temple will hold 9 days dharma puja to Phurba , 10am-4pm on Saturday, 9am-11am on Sunday, from Monday to Friday 11am-1pm, 7pm-9pm. Everybody is welcomed to join us to pray. You can write your family's names for prayer.
2017 春节法会 Spring Festival Activities
周一藏历初十,是莲师本命年火猴年最后一个初十,修莲师相应 非常殊胜。五明寺将作莲师荟供 ,之后lama跳金刚舞作金刚身语意供语 ,欢迎大家来共修
春节法会明天十点五明寺修新年狮面母除碍回遮法会第九天,修法,十二点忿忿莲师会供,欢迎大家来共修,圆满这次年终修法,开始新一年的修行。火供地址。171 canlish road .Scarborough.
2016-09-03 五明寺三天闭关 Three day retreat
Canada Five Wisdoms Temple is planing to have a three-day retreat during the long weekend of Labor Day (Sep 3rd to 5th). The Guru will guide the practicers to take meditation, yoga practice , as well as mantra chanting along with Dharma teaching. Please your own sleeping bag. The practicers will live in temple for these three days. Donations are welcome and CND $100 per person for this three days retreat.
Canada Five Wisdoms Temple is planing to have a three-day retreat during the long weekend of Labor Day (Sep 3rd to 5th). The Guru will guide the practicers to take meditation, yoga practice , as well as mantra chanting along with Dharma teaching. Please your own sleeping bag. The practicers will live in temple for these three days. Donations are welcome and CND $100 per person for this three days retreat.